Headshot of Alex Mook, Wealth Advisor for Whiskey & Wealth Club and specialist on the best Irish whiskey in Australia


General Manager

Alex’s experience includes working in various sales and customer facing roles in Yorkshire, London, Palm Beach, Florida and now in Sydney, Australia. He has a strong history of relationships with clients at previous roles, who he still has contact with. Most recently, from building bespoke golfing escapes for clients across Europe, America & Asia.

苏格兰祖父母在亚历克斯很小的时候就将威士忌介绍给了他,他参观了酿酒厂,并且从出生后每年都会购买一瓶新酒,从而扩大了他的知识、品味和对这种烈酒的热爱。作为一名热心的足球运动员、高尔夫球手和板球运动员,亚历克斯在一年级的大学高尔夫比赛中打球,并在苏格兰圣安德鲁斯和佛罗里达州 PGA 国家队的比赛中发挥了巅峰。
