

2022 年 10 月 12 日





如果您正在查看爱尔兰威士忌的标签,您会看到一个经常重复的短语:Triple Distilled。那么究竟什么是三重蒸馏威士忌?为什么爱尔兰人如此喜欢它?当然,其中一部分源于历史悠久的传统。几个世纪以来,爱尔兰人一直这样做。但这是有充分理由的。将液体蒸馏三遍——与更传统的苏格兰单一麦芽威士忌双重蒸馏相反——会产生一种圆润、更顺滑的烈酒,对大多数人的味蕾来说更有吸引力和更容易接受。




But for the discerning drinker, ever a fan of sensational Single Malt Irish Whiskey, the work, time and skill involved in triple distillation is non-negotiable. And so, when it comes to Irish whiskey investment, we choose to work with world-class triple distilled whiskey whenever possible. Our clients, in turn, appreciate the efforts and the hundreds of Whiskey Wealth Club reviews bear this out. 




Discover the profound process of whiskey distillation with Whiskey & Wealth Club, and the methods of triple distillation used to make rich and aromatic new-make, pot-still and single malt Irish Whiskey. Read on to discover how triple distilled whiskey is made, what that three-step process brings to the liquid, and why it’s one of the fastest growing spirits categories in the world. 








Distillation can be broken down into two main categories. There is continuous distillation, which occurs in a still shaped like a column and can be run efficiently without stoppage. The drawback from this industrialised method is that it creates a lighter liquid that robs the distillate of richness and character. 


单一麦芽威士忌的首选方法是蒸馏,其中涉及那些被称为罐式蒸馏器的明亮的球状铜容器。爱尔兰单一麦芽威士忌和苏格兰单一麦芽威士忌需要使用蒸馏锅蒸馏。将一定体积的发酵“蒸馏器啤酒”放入球茎部分并缓慢加热至酒精的沸点(约 78 摄氏度),然后通过冷凝盘管收集这些蒸汽。


苏格兰蒸馏器将执行此操作两次;首先是在一个更大、更球茎的水洗式蒸馏器中——这给了我们一种“低度酒”,按体积计算,酒精度在 21-30% 之间。接下来进入烈酒蒸馏器,将低度酒进一步浓缩并达到 70% ABV。


作为完美主义者,爱尔兰威士忌制造商在这一过程中又迈出了一步。在上面提到的剧照之间是一个佯攻的剧照. 生产时三重蒸馏威士忌,第一个蒸馏过程旨在从发酵液中提取更多的酒精和蒸汽。第三次蒸馏的重点是加强酒精含量,并在威士忌中加入更复杂的芳香风味,如苹果、梨和柠檬的味道。但是仍然处于中间的最重要的假动作是两者都做一点点,帮助浓缩风味化合物,同时也使液体的整体变得圆润和平滑。三重蒸馏的结果,如果工作得当,是一种更纯净、更轻的威士忌。






还记得我们是如何谈论在那些辉煌的球茎蒸馏器中使用的铜的吗?嗯,这不仅仅是因为它让它们看起来都很漂亮和闪亮。铜有特定的用途。蒸馏器内部的氧化铜在蒸馏过程中与威士忌的化合物融合,以增强其复杂性和深度。第三次蒸馏后,产生的烈酒将被转移到桶中并保持成熟三年,然后才能合法地被指定为爱尔兰威士忌。从那里它将被运往全球各地。该类别的年出口额将接近 20 亿美元,并且是一个不断增长的类别,仅美国的增长率在 2021 年就增长了 16%,并创造了创纪录的13亿美元用于酿酒商. For an industry that was on its knees at the end of the last century due to political wranglings, global conflicts and complex trade wars, it’s a triumphant comeback, to say the least.


So, yes, if you’re looking to invest in whiskey there is strong investment value to be tapped into here. We’re talking about a type of whiskey that’s amongst the fastest growing spirits on the planet. It has history, it has cache, and it has a provenance that can’t be replicated anywhere else. Irish Whiskey is Irish Whiskey—and nothing else. If you’re interested in whiskey investment, triple distilled Irish single malt is a category with a proven track record. At Whiskey & Wealth Club we’ve been working with this exciting category for years. And beyond the time-honoured, historic producers, there’s an exciting new generation of triple distilled liquids hitting shelves today. We’ve developed relationships with all of them. We provide new-make Irish Whiskey distillers the opportunity to conduct wholesale selling to private clients at heavily discounted rates. We also provide secure government storage facilities required for cask whiskey investment, followed by competitive insurance and a wealth of industry knowledge and support. With 2,000 clients, Whiskey and Wealth Club enables investors to enter the elusive world of cask whiskey ownership for Irish and Scotch whiskey. Get in touch with us today to discuss your financial aspirations and the cask whiskey opportunities at Whiskey & Wealth Club.

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